
Saturday, March 12, 2011


 First I will thank you my amazingly gorgeous readers for keeping up with me
& all of my ups and downs this week. I have posted a lot and randomly. I'm sorry yall, I just have to much to bring yall! This one, however is very important. I've resisted this post for 3 months now, but I feel it is my calling to warn you!

 Do yall remember when I posted about the Falsies mascara? Well as most of you know, there's a new falsies which they cleary came up with too quickly & without thinking. It's the Falsies with black packaging rather than the purple & blue color.

  Well, I was desperate & being the cheapie that I am, I wasn't about to pay for my regular mascara because it's just ridiculously high & seriously, mascara for $10 is totally unnecessary! It's just throwing your money away.

  I'm telling you not to waste your money on the newer falsie's. I don't want you to come home with the disappointment I did. There's really no excuse for $6 mascara to be so bad! It was just an awful mess. There was nothing good about it. I even tried using my old brush that I love & even that didn't make it better.

 It was poorly and cheaply made & I'm very dissapointed. If you only wear one very thin coat on your lashes, then you can use about any mascara & it be fine, but I use a little extra so messy, nasty mascara doesn't make me happy!

  The only good thing about this crap is the pretty tube it comes in and as far as I'm concerned, a pretty tube ain't worth $6 damn dollars!

  Just a little heads up!


Natalie said...

Thank you for your lovely comment!!
I followed you! Do follow me too!!
Keep posting! :D

Chuui said...

Thanks for the lovely comment you left! :) I'm sorry this mascara didn't work for you. I agree, it's not the best! I can't stand how gloopy the formula is...

Love your blogging style by the way :)