Hello my beauties I have an amazing PeArL Of The Day for y'all!
Cleanse & Polish hot cloth cleanser from Liz Earle.
I haven't ever used any of their products before & actually haven't ever heard much of them until recently. So I've not used many of their items, only the Cleanse & Polish kit. Here's what I got out of it...
The kit came with a lovely little bag & 2 muslin cloths which I was ecstatic about. I've read so much about muslin in my herbal body book, but never had a clue what it was. It's good stuff although I'm still a little confused about how to wash the cloths. I'm afraid I'll mess them up.
You clean your face with the cleanse & polish then use the warm, damp muslin cloth to wipe it off and splash with cool water. I was a bit iffy at first because I was worried the cloth alone wouldn't be enough to get all the make-up and dirt off, it worked very well! I love that cloth. It cleans everything off!
I didn't notice much of a difference in my skin except that it was extremely dry after the first use. It got better after I kept using though. Unfortunately, I have very dry skin so I do have to use my exfoliating cleanser along with the Liz Earle cleanse and polish.
With several more uses, I did find that my skin seemed to be glow-y and pores were nice & less noticeable.
For those of you like me, who wear crazy make-up like turquoise glitter & neon purple eyeshadow this product is very good with removing all make-up, however I felt like the muslin cloth is necessary for the removing.
Working together, the muslin cloth & cleanser make a good team for cleaning and removing; not too rough, but gets the job done.
This soft and creamy cleanser smells nice, it's like a mini-aromatic experience.
Overall, I really did enjoy the product. I'd be lying if I said using it was not a very nice experience. I really loved the product. I just hated that it didn't seem to help some of the problems I tend to have with my skin such as dryness, and those once a month little red bumps. Ladies, you know what I mean & for those of you who tend to get small, but several breakouts around that time, you will want a cleanser that will help that as well. I'm just one of those people who like to have an all-in-one type of thing. I like to be able to use one cleanser that does it all rather than paying $20 for a cleanse & polisher then forking over another $13 for an exfoliator & acne cleanser, not to mention the toners, anti-agers on top of it!
It's a nice product, however I believe I'd be able to really make a decision as to which way I'm leaning had I tried other products by Liz Earle as well. So I love it, I do. I'm just a complicated skin kind of girl.
You can visit http://www.lizearle.com/ online to shop around and see what they have to offer.
*you can find my honesty pledge at the top of the page*
Much love sweeties,
Healthy, Happy, Wholesome was created to bring you better health, happiness, and inspiration to live a wholesome, fulfilling life.
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