
Thursday, October 7, 2010


 I haven't really gotten deep into my personal life on this blog but, I think I'll do that right now. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years. We plan to get married but we've had it put off until we both finish school & such. We talk about being married everyday and just like every woman, I've had my perfect wedding planned out for years. I know every detail of what I want. But, when he actually offically asks me, I don't know where and how I want it to go. He's asked me to give him ideas on what I would consider the perfct proposal but, I just don't know. Of course I'm not going to tell him how to ask me but, it'd be nice if either of us knew what or where and how would make it super special.

 I don't think Mcdonalds is a special place lol so, what are your ideas? What are your stories and what would you consider "romantic" ? Leave me YOUR advice


halfoftwo said...

I had a great idea when I was going to propose to my wife, but it fell through. It was around Christmas time and we lived in a small apartment with a courtyard. I was going to string "Will You Marry Me?" in lights. When she came home I was going to be down on one knee under the lights. However, she got off work early while I was in the middle of stringing the lights. All I got was Will You M. I was inside getting another string when she walked in the door. She knew what the ending was and just said yes. I told her that I have to ask first, so in the living room, I got down on one knee and proposed. It was the thought that counted.

James Canady said...

Blind folded to a riverside or beachside park on the 4th of July, where the mask is taken off to a crowd full of people as well as the most important people that are in your life, and you find yourself on a stage or right below it surrounded by your favorite flowers, where everyone is focused onto you, and the band that wrote 'your song' is on the stage and begins to play it (which your partner took whatever it takes to get them there), and directly after the proposal and the exchanged yes's where you begin to kiss, you have it timed exactly right for the sun to set enough for darkness to fall, and the fireworks are set up to begin.

Then you could always have fireworks on your proposal anniversary :D

Lots of other too. They're very possible; especially if you love someone enough :]

Greg Narayan said...

One good place for a proposal is the where you first met each other. It could be a dead giveaway though if he lead you back to the place and it was somewhere really random. I LOVE the sports game proposal but it its kinda of cheesy. Like at a tennis match, or baseball game.

Unrelated note, nice comment about the Natty Light! I love Keystone Light, and people think I'm a freak for it. Its just something comforting about it, and it goes very well with food. Cheers!

Jane said...

My husband's proposal was TRULY romantic. We were cleaning out our daughters rabbit hutch...I mean the hutch containing her rabbit (we don't make her live in a hutch, honest!) Anyway, out of the blue and quite literally as he was shovelling poo, he came out with this pearl.
"So, shall we get hitched or not?"
Fifteen years on, he's still just as romantic! But hey, I love him anyway.

Hanis. said...

Somehow, the moment I read this, my mind started playing out a scene. The two of you could just be walking, enjoying the view somewhere and he'll casually lean in and whisper the big question. And when you say yes(after looking wide-eyed or being suprised) he'll slip the ring onto your finger, the two of you still walking or just looking into each other eyes.

Not a big affair but I think its romantic <333

bec said...

It shouldn't matter where he proposes :) I'm sure no matter how he does it, it will be amazing for you both :)

nice blog, i'm following...check mine out if you'd like!!

Catz said...

One of my friends was proposed to like this ... he drove them to a beach. They walked, and ended up at this tree, which he had put roses in. Behind the tree in the sand it said "will you marry me". When she said yes, he got a spade and dug next to the tree, where there was a chillybin full of bubbles to celebrate.