
Friday, March 4, 2011

Dr. wheatgrass

Hello again my beautiful readers,
I have a short one for y'all.

I received a sample of Dr wheatgrass' skin recovery cream, my review is in!

 The wheatgrass cream from is great for skin problems such as dry skin, eczema, molluscum and from what I've gathered it's suppose to heal anal fissures too. The lotion actually contains wheatgrass! How cool is that? Y'all know how I've recently became very fond of wheatgrass pills so I was so stunned to learn that the company offers wheatgrass skin recovery cream as well!

 I had a small amount to use & I really liked it. I thought it made a wonderful foot cream as well! It's got a bit of a mint-y scent, not bad at all though.


1. Healing & I love that it really works on skin problems that are so common, but so tough to treat. That's amazing!

2.  It's organic.

3. I love that with wheatgrass, the results are practically never ending.

4. Perfect for dry skin even the toughest skin like on feet. Heals cracked heels too!


1. I'm a cheapie so I did kind of find the prices to be a little high, but that's my opinion.

2. I believe with this product it can take using it regularly for a while before you see really big results so I was unable to really get a good idea of the entire benefits which I'm sure are outstanding.

Other than that, I believe highly in the product!

*Read my honesty pledge at top*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is.