Yes, I am talking about the new lifetime show "One Born Every minute." I'm a huge lifetime girl so I've saw the show several times now, unfortunately. On to my opinion. I also want to hear y'alls!
The first few times I saw the commercials for the show "One born every minute" I don't think I quite knew exactly how uncensored it would be.
I usually keep my TV on the lifetime channel because it's one of those channels that tend to lean toward the more "tasteful" and "clean" side. So it's usually always safe to have on with kids around. Also, go ahead and call me a prude, but I'm not a fan of "unclean" TV. Anyways, to the point.
I happened to overhear the shocking words "I just pooped. I can smell it." and "I feel like I'm going to poop him out." And "Let's make sure she's not hanging out... of my vagina."
I was pretty shocked to hear those things. I watched most of the shows hoping that it would get a little better, it didn't.
I honestly see no reason for the show. What person finds watching strange women give birth entertaining? I think it's distasteful and in a way I feel like it's a little degrading to all women. I mean, it's not educational. So what's the reason for it? I certainly don't want my kids watching that. I just feel like giving birth should be a little more... sacred, discrete?
I can't exactly put my finger on it, but it's a little much. I'm disappointed in lifetime for taking it that far. I could understand if it didn't actually show so much. Is it just a nice way to make money by humiliating women? Make no mistake, I'm not saying that these women were "victims." They are big girls. They knew what they were getting into. It's a little disturbing that a woman would want to give birth in front of the world. Is money that important? You couldn't pay me to give birth in front of strangers.
Well, that's my short opinion. I will leave it there.
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