
Saturday, April 9, 2011

My revenge "Honestly, getting paid back by drinking my own piss was 100% totally worth it!"

My lovies,

I was very glad to get some of your own crazy stories, unfortunately most of the stories I recieved were not from my readers! :( I have one of my own for you guys....

  When I was in the 8th grade, me & a couple of girlfriends spent every day during the summer at our local pool. There was one girl who I'll call "Brittany." She was horrible. I mean HORRIBLE. None of us could stand her. She was constantly saying rude things and really hateful to us all. The worst part is she would go to each of us saying something terrible about the other. Pretty much just put a damper on any friendship and any fun we would have. So negative, always. Honestly, to this day I still say she's the most toxic person I've ever been around.

  She clearly couldn't stand any of us, but that didn't stop her from being around us. Nobody ever made hateful comments back to her, we just ignored her nasty comments about us. (I actually ended up in a pretty bad fight with her in high school which ended my high school years completely)

  Anyways, while we were at the pool one day she was, once again pointing out every wrong thing about every one of us. Me & a friend who I'll call "Annie" were walking to Mcdonalds for something to eat. "Brittany" asked us to buy her an iced tea and bring it back. Well, we got her iced tea alright!

  After me & "Annie" were finished at Mcdonalds we got her iced tea and before leaving had to take a trip to the ladies room. Thankfully, the iced tea was a super large. I went into the bathroom stall & "Annie" went in the one next to me. I dumped out every last drop of the tea & filled it half way with pee. I thought about just catching a little pee in the cup then using the toilet, but hey, the cup was already there & I had to pee bad! So, pee I did.

  When I was through peeing in her cup, I passed the cup under the door & "Annie" took it from my hands. To fill the cup the rest of the way up, "Annie" peed in the cup too. Yes, we saved the ice! Haha.

  I expected her to take one sip & accuse us of doing something to it & throw it away. I assumed since the cup had no tea whatsoever, only pee, that she would realize that it didn't taste like tea. She must've been real thristy because she took a sip & said "This tastes funnny." & Kept drinking! Hahaha

  "Annie's" stomach was weak & the sight of her drinking our pee made her throw up so we were all 3 standing there watching her throw up while "Brittany" sucked down the iced pee saying "What is wrong with you? Are you anorexic or something!" Haha.

                      *          How'd you like that iced pee!         *

  Yes, I knew from that day at only about 14 years old that we would one day get paid back for peeing in her drink. I have even said it before to the BF that I know I will get paid back. & I sure did! Remember, I peed in the drink when I was only in the 8th grade. I'm now 21 years old.

  Well, sure enough last fall the BF, my mom, me & my aunt were getting ready to go out one night on an orb hunt & I was feeling so rough that day. I couldn't even focus. I just wasn't like myself & we had taken my toilet out to remodel & I had to pee in plastic cups. (Sadly, I've had to use the cup method several times! We'e had to take my toilet out for 2 weeks at a time this year!)

  I had also had a cup of water in a plastic cup on my dresser. I had just finished peeing in one cup & a few minutes later was very thirsty so I grabbed one of the cups not even thinking and took a HUGE freaking sip! I usually take small sips because I get too bloated drinking fast, but for some reason I took a couple of gulps before even tasting the pee! As soon as I swallowed I knew exactly what had happened. I grabbed my throat & was gagging. I was hoping to throw up the pee. That didn't happen.

  The BF thought it was beyond hilarious & I gagged every time I thought of it that night. I even made my stomach turn thinking about it. As soon as we realized that I had drank my own pee I said "Oh my! That was my fu***** pay back!" Ha ha. Even all these years later, I knew that's what happened as soon as I drank the piss.

  So there ya go. That's pretty embarrassing, but at least it was MY OWN pee, right? For those of you who are wondering, it actually wasn't too bad at all. It was very tasteless. Like water but thicker. Thankfully, pee is sterile as soon as it comes out so that's comforting.


*That is one of my only big revenge stories as I mostly believe in letting God take care of those things, but sometimes it is so hard! I have gotten revenge on crappy, hateful, Ex's but nothing too big. I will share those with you. HINT: One of my revenge on the EX involves my cooter & a penis! (Not having sex with another man for revenge. You'd actually never guess, but I'll post the story soon if you're interested!)

  Another revenge on my EX's story involves me texting the Ex for months pretending to be a girl he knew. Ha Ha. & One revenge on the Ex story inolves me doing something terrible. Something most of my very precious male readers would cringe to know. Lol. It involves a tooth brush holder (like one of those travel cases for your tooth brush) and the ex boyfriend's ass! Yes, I'm telling the truth! Wanna hear them? You have to let me know! & I'd love to hear yours as well. *

Much love,

1 comment:

Furree Katt said...

oh my god, your peeing-in-the-cup thing was so funny. and cruel. but mostly funny.
i think that girl deserved it, to be honest. i don't think you deserved to be payed back for what you did so long ago :P
thank you so much for following my blog! ♥