
Monday, February 28, 2011

Wheatgrass - My results are in!

  I promised y’all that I would update you on how the wheatgrass pills went. It’s been several weeks now, around a month. I couldn’t wait any longer to share the results! In case you aren’t familiar with wheatgrass, it is a supplement packed with chlorophyll, vitamins, enzymes and such. I used to think wheatgrass sounded like it was just a super vitamin until I learned more about it. I’ve never drank it. I take it in pill form. I don’t think I could handle the taste of the drink and thanks to wonderful companies like

you can purchase them in pill form. 

  I don’t think many wheatgrass manufacturers offer them in pill form so people like me who can’t handle certain tastes are grateful for companies who have us in mind! From what I’ve gathered, wheatgrass has amazing healing powers. I decided to put it to the test!

What it does:

-Promotes general well-being and good health.

-Keeps you from getting sick.

-I’ve read that it prevents and TREATS many illnesses.

-I’ve read real stories of people who were totally healed from all types of digestive disorders.

As some of you already know, I have suffered from a few “female health conditions.” It was severe, but I won’t go into the story now. I am anemic and have been my entire life no matter how many iron pills and greens I ate. For the first time, when I was at my OB/GYN my iron was fine! I’m convinced it’s the wheatgrass.

I’ve also experienced a huge difference in the abdominal pains and “contractions,” endometriosis problems. Usually I’m pretty down every month around the 12th & I haven’t had any problems since I’ve been taking wheatgrass! None at all. I haven’t even had to “take it easy.” I usually have 2 weeks every month where I have to take it easy. I can’t eat much at all, can’t leave the house too long or do any kind of vigorous activity. I also suffer from terrible migraines. Yea and I’m only 20! 21 To be exact, but I was just 20 two days ago! To me, migraines and feminine problems 2 weeks out of every month is not how a 20 year old should feel. I’ve seriously not been able to have a life. It got much better after surgery, but I was still limited. I feel like the wheatgrass delivered me from it all, and with God’s help of course.

  I couldn’t believe how much better I’ve been feeling. I’m also in a better mood lately. I have anxiety that’s associated with endo and I take meds for anxiety and endo. I haven’t had any anxiety lately & I’ve skipped taking my meds for a week now & I’m on my “bad week.” How awesome is that!

  I don’t know about others, but

has made me a firm believer in their wheatgrass! They are a trustworthy company too. They’re the only online wheatgrass manufacturer that I’ve not read one bad thing about. Also with my experience, I find the company to be of perfect quality, they seem to be passionate about their product & customers.

  I’m not sure if I’ve noticed much of a difference in my migraines, but I’ve only been taking them for a month. I can’t imagine how I’ll feel after a couple of months! I will update when I make it there.


1. I haven’t gotten sick at all since taking wheatgrass. No colds, no sinus problems, allergies, and no stomach viruses or flare ups from my “female issues.”

2. Many people find that they are totally cured from colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and many other digestive problems. I can say that it’s the best thing for irritable bowel syndrome! I have taken prescription drugs for that & OTC drugs specifically for I.B.S & I can say that the wheatgrass pills have by far, made a drastic difference. And for any of you who suffer from digestive problems, you know how debilitating they can get.

3. They clean toxins from your body without giving you the horrifying side effects that most products like “cleanses” do. Most of us don’t have time to spend 3 days in the powder room! Thankfully, wheatgrass doesn’t give you nasty side effects.

4. Wheatgrass removes wastes that clutter your cells, organs and blood.

5. Gets rid of excess fat, etc.

6. Boosts immune system

7. Many, many more, but these are the main things that I’ve experienced.

8. Also seems to be great for bloating!

There aren’t any cons for the wheatgrass, unless you’re body isn’t used to them in some cases you can feel a little queasy when you first start. That’s why I started out with only 3 the next day, 5 the next, 7. I experienced no stomach upsets at all & I’m very prone to them!

I sure hope y’all try wheatgrass! If you do, or already have, I’d love to hear your results! If you’re interested check out:

I’ll be keeping these around for years to come!

You can read my honesty pledge at top of page.


Sweet Wheat said...

It's so refreshing to see another person experience the awesome benefits of wheatgrass. It truly is a green superfood- keep spreading the word and keep feeling healthier than you did before! :)

Wheatgrass Lover said...

It is wonderful that you are benefiting from wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is so powerful that even when the tablets are pale green and packaged in plastic, they still provide benefits.