Make Healing Water Using Dr. Masaru Emoto's Simple Water-Structure-Changing Technique:
Most of you have heard about the experiment by Dr. Masaru Emoto where he used prayer, music, and writing different words onto pieces of paper and placed them under a container of water to find that the structure of the water changed in such ways that confirmed that the words carry energy/vibration that has the ability to literally change the water's structure. When he examined the samples, he found that the ones that had words such as "love" under them had formed a perfect hexagonal crystal snowflake. Upon examining the samples that had words like "hate," he found the structure to be chaotic and not formed like the snow-flake- looking crystals.
"The result was that we always observed beautiful crystals after giving good words, playing good music, and showing, playing, or offering pure prayer to water. On the other hand, we observed disfigured crystals in the opposite situation. Moreover, we never observed identical crystals," says Dr. Emoto's statement about the experiment on his website.
If you haven't heard of this experiment, I implore you to watch the video below (from Dr. Masaru Emoto's website) before continuing. It's pretty powerful stuff. *You can also visit Dr. Masaru Emoto's website, which talks all about his work and findings.
Now, I'd like to share with you how we might be able to use the wonderful Dr. Emoto's findings to easily change the structure of the water we drink.
When I first read about Dr. Emoto's water experiment, the first thing I did was write the word "love" on a piece of paper, and set my cup of water over it. 30 minutes later, I drank the water.
I've since made a habit of doing this with my water every night. I write the words "love, healing, health, and joy" on the paper and let my glass of water sit on top of it for about 30 minutes before I drink it.
Simple, right? And best of all, it costs nothing really (unless you don't have a writing utensil, a glass for the water, or water.)
I do this with my other beverages as well.
I figure you can also just write the word on the cup/glass. I'm also assuming that this little technique for changing the vibration of something can be used in many, many ways such as with your food and any other thing you consume. In fact, I even wrote it on the stuff I brush my teeth with! I use a blend of oils to brush my teeth with, so I just took a marker (it isn't even visible on the bottle, but I know it's there and that's all that matters) and wrote the words "love, perfect health, joy" on the bottle.
I am not sure what the "rating" of the vibration for the words "perfect health" and "joy" would be, but they are words that feel very powerful and positive to me, and they're in-line with my intentions -- to have perfect health inside out, including dental health, to have and be love and to have joy -- so I figured I'd try those out as well as love.
Let me know if you can think of any other high-vibration words that could be used for certain intentions/desires!
I figured since Dr. Emoto's experiment produced such magnificent results, it would surely work the same way for us if we were to utilize his method for our water, and then drink it. So, since we could all use good health, and since love is the most positive vibration there is, why not attempt to change the water we drink into something that just might encourage healing or good health within us?
Dr. Emoto's experiment was conducted with the intentions of showing that words are powerful enough to impact water and humans. Since we're made up of something like 70 percent water, it would stand to reason that words alone can change the structure within us as well, whether positive or negative.
Dr. Emoto reminded us that the words we use have an impact on every part of our body and we need to be mindful about this.
That's really powerful information that I personally feel like can be utilized for a multitude of magnificent possibilities
We can use this to our benefit, though. It's my thinking that there could be many incredible ways we can use this free information to our benefit.
For the time being, I'm using it to see if perhaps by doing this simple, free "technique" my health can benefit.
I hope you all will join me in this simple experiment and see if you can benefit from it as well. At the very least, this "challenge" (if you'd like to think of it as such) will benefit us in the way that we'll definitely become more mindful of the words we use when we speak to ourselves, right? It might even encourage us to use more positive words when we talk to ourselves (and others), now that we are aware that words probably impact our entire makeup as well.
So, take a minute to repeat the word "love" slowly and deliberately for a few seconds.
I have been letting words like "love" and "health" flow over and over through my mind as I picture the words, noting every syllable and every letter.
Picturing the letters going across my forehead and then absorbing into my brain. Maybe that sounds odd, but when I was deliberately saying the word "love" in my mind, that is the image that popped up -- the word slowly moving across my forehead like those electronic signs you see going down the road, announcing some ad for something or what-not.
Then, the word itself just kind of looked as if it were fading into the area of my head, so I came to the idea that imagining it "absorbing" into my head, and then flowing through my body could be beneficial.
I sincerely hope you guys will join me in this fun, free challenge that just might help improve our health and well-being! It's worth a shot, right? I will be keeping an eye out for any changes or improvements as I continue this (focusing on the water experiment) and then I'll meet you back here to discuss what occurs.
Please, if any of you do this or something similar (you can tweak it to your own needs and desires!) share with me how it goes for you in a comment or in an email or message to me. I always reply to my readers and I love sharing stories and outcomes of our personal journies with each other. It brings me so much joy to share our techniques and results together, so please don't hesitate to jump in and let me know how you do it, and how things turn out!
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