
Friday, May 18, 2012

Humboldt Blend-perfect!

  Now that I've been crazy on caffeine all week, let's get back to the Muddy Waters coffee . I finally got got to the Humboldt Blend and am wondering why I didn't try it first! It has topped them all. My absolute favorite now and I doubt any coffee could live up. Of course I was very fond of the other blends, this one fit my tastebuds like customized undies!

  Something I've noticed over the last couple of months is that drinking the coffee on the day I have IBS flare-ups, it isn't getting worse. You see, for years I've not been able to touch coffee on the days I have stomach flare-ups. It would make it much worse so I'd often be skipping coffee every month for a week. I've been able to drink all the Muddy Waters blends without a single problem! It must be that their coffee is organic. I had no idea that was my problem. I had a terribly flare-up the Sunday before last. I was running on no sleep from being up all night and morning feeling sick. I was so exhausted at the end of the day from lack of sleep, having the kids all weekend and being sick. I refused my coffee all day, but was desperate by nighttime because I had to work. So I had a small cup in fear that it would make things worse as coffee usually does, but I actually have been able to drink Muddy Waters just fine! Who'd have known?

Besides that, I want to talk about the flavor of the Humboldt blend--fantastic! First though, I wanted to share my grandmother's little testimony. Ha-Ha. We fixed her and my aunt some of the Blue's Blend--they're both major coffee nuts and my grandmother insisted that I share her comments here and with Muddy Waters. She said "it's the best coffee I've ever tasted. You be sure you tell them all I said this, OK?" She said it also had her wired. Ha. Ha. She said she hadn't had coffee give her energy in years! 

As for my aunt, she loved it but said it was making her too energetic. I have no idea what it is about this coffee, but it must be stronger than most. When my grandmother visited again last weekend, she asked for more of the Blue's Blend.

 The Humboldt blend is the perfect mix of acidity and nutty flavor. It's got more of a really strong flavor than an acidic flavor though. You can smell the acidity in it, but it's subtle enough that I can drink it straight and totally love it! I have a cup right now--well, a half a cup now. It has to be my favorite.

  There's the hint of nutty flavor in the Humboldt blend and what I love about it is that you can add a bit of sweetener and stick it in the fridge without it watering down and losing it's flavor. It also has a sweetness to it, enough that I can drink it with no sweetener at all. I do like to add 3 caramel creamers sometimes though. That's what I like best, is you can add to it without it taking away from the actual flavor. 

  The strength is just enough where you can drink it straight without it overpowering your tastebuds as well as put it on ice without it watering down. It's a fabulous blend. The aftertaste is great. I would describe it as potent, but not bitter. 

  The aroma is stronger than what I noticed with the other blends. It smells bitter while it's in the coffee maker and the aroma lingers all throughout the house--just what I love.


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