
Friday, March 18, 2011


Hay there my sweet peas. This is very important! I've had a serious damn virus so this is a warning to yall & also a question too. I'm really needing my little computer savvy sweeties right now! Ok, so the thing is, there's this God awful (that's not a bad word is it?) virus that goes by the name of "security tools" it pops up and will stop you from accessing anything. I was online as it happened and suddenly it wouldn't allow me to access anything and it would not stop popping up saying I had a virus & needed to purchase this "security tools" software. I freaked & so did the bf. We ran virus scans and all. We called my supposed computer pro friend person & he gave me a nervous break down saying that my computer was ruined and all this shit. I cried and this started at 4 PM. It's now almost 5 AM and I've been working on it ever since. So I followed instructions from a much more trusted friend & an online site that's for removing this specifc virus. I ran the scan it came back that no malicious stuff was detected. I ran again. Nothing. I was terrified to even turn on my computer because the self proclaimed computer pro led me to believe that it's be screwed. I finally turned it on & followed the instructions like I said. Everything went perfect.It was like nothing ever happened after the scan. I didn't even have to remove anything. There was one problem though, my internet would not connect. I have internet explorer. I finally figured it all out by going to tools, clicking internet options and all this & voila! It was like brand new. Got a connection in less than 9 seconds.

   I have one question and I'm so grateful to anyone who takes the time to read this and help me. I know I'm not very good with explaining or computer stuff so truly, I'm grateful! Ok, my question is do you think I'm safe? I mean is the virus lurking around somewhere?

 The thing is, my computer is very expensive. It's the first one I've ever owned myself & the bf bought it for me last christmas he spent over 9000 dollars on it & he will be pretty freaked when he finds out I turned it on and worked on it. I truly think it's fine. I mean it's working great, but he was told my the self proclaimed computer pro that it'd be ruined if it was even turned on & we'd lose everything so I need serious help. I'm sure he'll freak when he finds out I turned it on & he'll want to be 100% sure that I done it correctly and nothing is wrong. I will do anything, just please any suggestions would be more than helpful. Is there anything I may need to do or do you think I've got it all under control?

Love you sweeties so much! Please though, any advice?


cat said...

Sounds like you've got my dream machine in your hands (minus the virus)! Best thing to do is to send it in for repairs, that way you can be sure. But if you really want to run another test, try running your anti-virus and anti-malware softwares with your internet cable plugged out and while on 'safe mode'. Look up Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware if you can. Its pretty good :) Best of luck lov!

Couture Carrie said...

Good luck, darling!


Kindros said...

It sounds like you have it under control now. The only thing you really have to worry about is software and any saved files. The hardware will still all be in working order. The most you would have to do for hardware is buy a new hard drive, which isn't that bad.

Just make sure to back up your files somehow in case something does pop up again.

Every computer is going to get infected at some time or another. It can always be reset to factory settings too. I'm IT at my current workplace and have had to fix numerous computers, no biggie. :)