
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pheremone perfume that attracts men and plumped, juicy lips

Hello there my sexy little kittens. I've got a PeArL of the day for you that everyone will love!

  For the first lovely little pearl. I have 'Luscious Lips' from Luv Essentials 

Lovely tube!
  I applied the luscious lips clear lip gloss & immediately experienced the plumping sensation, which I thought was a nice subtle little tingle that lets you know it's working. It plumped those babies right up!

  I should add that I have used EVERY drugstore brand lip plumper including hard candy's. I've also use most others as well such as vicorias secret's plumping gloss & I'll say, the Luv Essentials lip plumper was mind blowingly amazing! I was seriously beside myself over this.

  In the past I used the other brands & Luv Essentials totally blew those out of the water even victoria's secret! The BF even noticed! He said "Whoa your lips are huge!" Ha ha. I also had my mother try it (we both have thin lips) and she took the beautiful tube of lip gloss in her powder room to apply. When she came out it was like BAM! Ha ha. I still get excited thinking about it.

  I just loved this lip plumper. I've been talking about it continuously for 2 days now. Unlike every plumper I've ever used, this vanilla with a hint of mint scented gloss does not leave that awful taste in my mouth & it doesn't hurt. Yes, I've actually used a lip plumper that hurt! It was called something injection & my lips felt like 100 needles had been inserted all over them. It didn't plump them, but swelled them like bee stings.

  I love that it's goes on clear & goes perfectly over any lip stick or stain. It certainly gets 100% in my book! I also couldn't help but fall in love with the tube it came in. It's beautiful!

  It kept my lips plumped and beautiful for hours although I couldn't get enough of it so I kept re-applying ever couple of hours. It doesn't burn or sting your mouth & isn't irritating when it gets inside your mouth. I could go on & on about this one, but I'll stop here.

 You can find the luscious lips lip plumper at:

                        PHEREMONES SILK PERFUME

  For those of you who aren't aware of the pheremones products, they're supposed to "attract men." I used the Silk perfume from as well as a few others that I'll talk about later. I normally cannot handle perfumes at all. I'm overly picky because I've only met a handful of perfumes, scents, colognes that did not bring on my migraines. I hate it because it often means I can't smell nice.

  After rubbing a tiny dot of this Silk perfume on my wrist (afraid that it'd make my already migraine worse) I let it stay there an hour & had no worse of a migraine than I'd already had to begin with. So I decided since it smelled so amazing I'd go ahead and roll on more on both wrists & my neck after taking a BC powder to test the migraine. Great news, my migraine stayed gone! The perfume wasn't irritating at all. I couldn't get enough of it either.

                                      MAX ATTRACTION
  The cute blue dropper bottle full of pheremones is perfect for attracting some men! Max attraction is not very scented as far as I could tell, but you can use a perfume with it without having a ton of different scents. It's not really scented so you can use one of their other perfumes for smelling nice & this one for maximum men! Just use the dropper to apply a few drops to your wrists, neck, behind the ears. Purrfect!

                            SCENT OF EROS FOR WOMEN
  This perfume was my favorite! & keep in mind, I'm very picky with perfume. I only wear one kind of perfume, until now that is. I love this scent, it's so hott. It's just the perfect strength of scent. It's truly a beautiful scent. Kind of sweet with a very small hint of mint. I can't even find the words to describe it.


                              THE SCENT OF PHEREMONES
  I can't exactly describe the scent, but it sure was nice. Not too strong, but just enough to leave a subtle whiff when you walk by. I loved all of the products I tried. They are some of my favorite scents, and by the way I only have 2 favorite scents so that's pretty good! The BF also loved the way I smelled after using it!

                       ATTRACTING THE MEN (I think it works!)
  As for attracting the male sex, I can't say for sure what happened, but I did recieve a little extra attention than I normally do. I did get by with a little something lastnight that I'm convinced it was the perfume!

   You see, I had a birthday last month & my license expired & of course I've yet to renew them. I went into the liqour store & when we got to the counter the lady said she couldn't sale to me becuase my license were expired. I asked her why since I've been in there before & I truly didn't know why it mattered and she explained that it could be a fake ID.

   Then a guy I'd say in his 30's came over & asked to see my ID. He said "This is clearly not fake. Don't be harrassing these people all they wanna do is get their buzz on, let em' go ahead!" Ha ha. It was hilarious. So I told the BF on the way out that it had to be the perfume!

  I wore it today too, but I wasn't around many men. lol I saw my hairstylist for a trim & had to pick up a few things at Sally's & Wal-Mart. I did have a guy I went to school with hanging around & chatting though... (It's the perfume, I'm telling you!)

                               MY MOTHER'S RESULTS
  That's not all. My mother wore it to work too & she always has weird-o stalkers as it is, but apparently the perfume might have upped the dosage of weird-o stalkers! She had a man trying to sneak pictures of her! He's asked before to take her picture & she said no. He came back in yesterday and asked again when she said no he begged! Ha Ha!

 I also think it attracted my cats too! Fuzz decided she was going to rub her head all over my wrist & she's been angry with me for a month now! So, I'll keep using these & let you know more about the pheremone perfume. I'll test it out tomorrow. I only wore it for a few days so far so I'll have better results when I go out tomorrow. . . . Watch out men, here I come! (The BF might just end up having to pull the men off me! Ha. Ha. Kidding.)

 I can say that from what I've experienced so far, I'm sure this is an effective pheremone product. I can't wait to report back with what happens next! I'll also let you know about the other pheremone perfumes as I use them.

 Overall, I'd rate these products all a heft 10/10 by far! I really loved them. They're so fun & sexy at the same time! I was certainly over the top about them all.
  *I hope yall check out the pheremone products they have to offer & do let me know if you do, or if you have. Feel free to recommend which ones you liked. *


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