
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Should we teach our kids about hatred?

 This past month, I've heard a lot of talk about hatred. Way more than I'm used to and far more than I prefer. But it's really made me think about things. A few weeks ago, I over heard my sister telling someone that she hoped that her daughter would learn to hate me. She said, when she's got her child and I no longer see her or care for her, she will teach her to hate me. She laughed at the thought of that baby, whom I've cared for her entire life, hating me.

 I was speechless when she said that. Even more so, I was hurt that any person could wish their own child to have hatred in their heart. That will destroy a person so why would a mother wish for her child to hate the person who's given up their life to care for her.

 Besides that, hate is such a powerful thing. It's so serious yet people use it like it's nothing. You never really know the intensity and harshness of the word until you hear a child tell you "I hate you." That is one of the most hurtful things for a mother to hear.

 When I was a kid, I was taught to never hate. I said "I hate you" to my mother one time. And one time only. It hurt her feelings and I never said it again. I try not to even use the word now. I certainly don't say I hate any person. I may dislike them but I don't hate.

 What I'm getting at is, as adults, we have lived and learned. We know what hatred and bitterness causes. Why would we allow hatred to enter our children's lives after knowing what we do about it?

 The kids know better than to use that word with me. I've taught them how powerful it is. I understand we all say things that we don't mean and we can all be severely rude sometimes, but who in their right mind would want to instill hatred in their children's lives? It's too dangerous.

*Do you teach your child not to hate?  Do you think it's important to teach them not to hate? *


Rezden said...

It's unfortunate that people hate others in this world. It does start when we are young and it should be taught not to hate.

To stop hatred would be to unite the world in peace. People are too greedy, judgmental, jealous, unintelligent and uncaring about others though. I'm sure there are a ton more traits, but these were the first ones I thought of.

Nothing but love from here to you. :)


I remember I screamed to my mother that I hated her and then my father pulling me aside and telling me how strong those words were and to never say that.

I believe hate is something we don't inherently possess, but is a result of outside influences. Hate is passed down by others which saddens me to think that kids are taught to think a certain way and carry hatred on. Great post and something everyone should be thinking about!