
Sunday, October 24, 2010


 I have ordered several thing from the Votre Vu line of skincare products. I was really unsure about paying the prices because to me, they were pretty high (some of em') and the brand isn't a popular one, or at least I hadn't ever heard of it but, I had the 3rd person ask me to do a review on a few of their products so, I forked over the cash and ordered:
the Votre Vu attentive cream for sensitive skin which is a moisturizer. It was ok. That's about all I can say. It didn't do anything special. I have really dry skin so I have to use moisturizer but this stuff didn't seem to do anything that the $3 moiturizers don't do. I wouldn't ever purchase it again.

 I also ordered the Votre Vu Tarte D'amande, rich souffle lotion type thing. It's almond pie scented and smells great but, didn't work any better than wal mart's lotion. Actually the Jergen's overnight repair and pretty much their entire line is 10x better than this Votre Vu.

 Then, I tried the eye gelee. It's for eye bags and dark circles. I hated that it didn't do a damn thing for mine and the sad part is that my eye circles and bags aren't too bad at all and it still didn't work well. I noticed no difference.

 As for the Votre Vu attentive allergic reaction serum, I have yet  to need it but, my hopes are not up.

 Then there's the Votre Vu Fleur Blanc tonic for all skin. It's a tiny spray/mist thingy and I am not exactly sure what the results were supposed to be but, once again I saw no results. The little spritz thingy though, it's kinda nice to spray on but, thats it.

 I also tried the same spritz type tube that was for hands and feet, not sure what it done either!

 Then the face mask, it was so greasy! I couldn't seem to get it off. The next day, my entire face broke out which I was sure came from this mask. I havent ever had breakouts like this and never in the areas where they came about. Needless to say, I will not buy this crap ever again! Also, I have yet to get my skin to clear up from that dang mask!

 I do not recommend. Have you used it and got better results? Please let me know :)

I love hearing from yall!

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