But this time, I think I may have found the perfect recipe to kicking an incessant, never-ending sweet craving for good.
Many readers have emailed me -- after I published this post on Shake The Crave -- to say that you too are plagued by the killer sugar cravings and no matter what you've tried, they don't go away. So I thought I thought I would share my new found trick to really kicking those sugar cravings that keep you up at night salivating over every sugary morsel you can find in the house. Or even worse, those sugar cravings that you can't get relief from, even when you allow yourself to indulge.
Tonight has been one of those nights for me, and after downing 3 of those Captain Crunch Delights from Taco Bell (I think I'm addicted to them and I absolutely loathe that!), and still wanting more and more sugar, I finally got up and decided I was going to make myself so full that even the thought of one more bite would be a turn-off.
Yea, sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures, and in cases like this one, I'm prepared to go above and beyond to keep myself from devouring more and filling myself full of more junk food.
*I promise to keep this post short and to the point.*
I turned to my trusty Shake the Crave in chocolate flavor, but this time, being that I knew no matter what, I was still going to want more sweets, I took things to a whole new level.
I filled a small glass with cold water (interesting tip: cold beverages speeds the metabolism significantly and 16 ounces of ice water can burn up to 17 calories ) and added my one scoop of chocolate Shake the Crave.
Then, to make sure I wouldn't still want to give in to any remaining sugar craving, I added a teaspoon of Mila seed (chia seeds) and a few slices of a barely ripe banana. I love them when they're still a bit green.
Then I simply mixed it all up and nearly drained the entire glass of tasty sweetness before my stomach was so full that it couldn't hold any junk food even if I wanted it to.
Like I said, tonight was one of those nights that really called for extreme measures.
Sometimes, I can just indulge in a little sweet snack and be just fine. But then there's those days where PMS hits and no matter how much you allow yourself to indulge, the urge never goes away.
That's why I went ahead and kicked it. I knew I wouldn't be able to think straight (and I was right in the middle of work when the cravings struck) until my stomach was too full to stand any sweet junk. The good thing about a healthier alternative like this Shake the Crave + banana drink is that I can drink it and get full without getting that miserable feeling that typically comes with over-eating junk.
I wasn't even able to finish the entire glass before I was super full and -- all while still satisfying the sweets craving! That's a real success for me.
Now I'm reveling in the bliss of having finally found a fix for times like this when I can't get enough sweets and can't get my mind off eating them.
I came straight here to share this little "fix" with you guys, knowing that I'm (thankfully!) not the only person out there who struggles with this occasionally.
I hope this is helpful to others out there who know what it's like to have a craving like this that nearly takes over if you don't give in. Perhaps you guys can try this type of fix or something similar to help kick the craving as well.
Please don't forget to share your own tricks to getting rid of intense cravings! And let me know if you try this one (or something similar) with success. I love knowing other peoples' experiences and journies, so don't hesitate to share.
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