Sari Foods Natural, Non-Fortified Nutritional Yeast flakes are
a low-sodium, ancient Egyptian superfood with so much to be said about them! These are 100% natural, they are non-GMO and contain no MSG. Nutritional Yeast Flakes are full of vitamins, minerals and protein that vegans, paleo, halal, and virtually everybody can indulge in guilt-lessly.
Being a low-calorie food with so many versatile ways to add it into your everyday diet, it's very easy to get plenty of the yeast flakes each day. These flakes can be added to many different dishes or simply eaten out of the bag, if you wanted to. I find that they go pretty well with several of my favorite dishes, and I have been looking forward to trying these on as many foods as possible. What an exciting, intriguing and unique superfood these yeast flakes are! I'm very new to them, and actually hadn't ever heard of such a thing until a couple of weeks ago. So please stick around while I give you the low-down on this awesome stuff!
a low-sodium, ancient Egyptian superfood with so much to be said about them! These are 100% natural, they are non-GMO and contain no MSG. Nutritional Yeast Flakes are full of vitamins, minerals and protein that vegans, paleo, halal, and virtually everybody can indulge in guilt-lessly.
Being a low-calorie food with so many versatile ways to add it into your everyday diet, it's very easy to get plenty of the yeast flakes each day. These flakes can be added to many different dishes or simply eaten out of the bag, if you wanted to. I find that they go pretty well with several of my favorite dishes, and I have been looking forward to trying these on as many foods as possible. What an exciting, intriguing and unique superfood these yeast flakes are! I'm very new to them, and actually hadn't ever heard of such a thing until a couple of weeks ago. So please stick around while I give you the low-down on this awesome stuff!
Note to IBS, candidiasis sufferers:
Deactivated, dried yeast flakes that are free of candida albicans, which is actually a very important aspect that I feel compelled to expand on since a lot of my blog here has discussed digestive issues including candidiasis and IBS, and since I know many of my readers also struggle with these and other digestive issues, I feel it very important to note that as many of you know, I too have suffered severely with IBS/Candidiasis, so for those of you interested in a superfood like the yeast flakes from Sari Foods, you may find it useful to be notified that this, while it is a yeast product, should not upset candidiasis or IBS issues.
I will thoroughly document my journey of adding this awesome, unique superfood into my diet, so you will all have something to go on. If any side effects or problems occur at any time during my use of a product, that information is always noted, often as an "update" at the bottom of a review if anything note-worthy arises after I've published a review of a product.
Important Product Specs:
Gluten free
Dairy free
MSG free
Naturally occurring
A Non-synthetic whole-food
Low Sodium
Re-sealable bag contains 14 servings
- Packaged in a GMP Facility (stands for Good Manufacturing Process.)
Gluten free
Dairy free
MSG free
Naturally occurring
A Non-synthetic whole-food
Low Sodium
Re-sealable bag contains 14 servings
- Packaged in a GMP Facility (stands for Good Manufacturing Process.)
Where does it come from?
The answer might surprise you as much as it did me, but Sari Foods' Nutritional Yeast flakes come from molasses!
Nutritional Yeast grows on sugar cane and on beet molasses. Heat treatment is used to deactivate the yeast, meaning once it's gone through the treatment, there's no longer the concern of it being able to grow inside of your stomach -- deactivated yeast.
Vitamins, Minerals
Sari Foods' Nutritional Yeast is "comprised of 50% protein (a complete, bio-available and vegan source,) over 20% fiber, contains all 18 amino acids, 15 minerals, and natural Vitamin-B complex and Beta-glucans, which are known for their extreme immune enhancing properties."
Contains loads of B-vitamins including, B-5, B-6, B-2, Niacin, Folate, and thiamine. Other Vitamins and minerals included are Biotin (which is beneficial for skin, hair and nails), selenium, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorous, Molybdenum.
Sari Foods' Nutritional Yeast is "comprised of 50% protein (a complete, bio-available and vegan source,) over 20% fiber, contains all 18 amino acids, 15 minerals, and natural Vitamin-B complex and Beta-glucans, which are known for their extreme immune enhancing properties."
Contains loads of B-vitamins including, B-5, B-6, B-2, Niacin, Folate, and thiamine. Other Vitamins and minerals included are Biotin (which is beneficial for skin, hair and nails), selenium, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorous, Molybdenum.
8.32 grams of protein in each serving. 4.8 milligrams of sodium.
Nutritional Yeast Flakes are a complete protein, meaning they contain 18 amino acids, including the ones our bodies cannot create itself.
One serving contains around 4 grams of fiber.
And one thing I was totally stoked to learn: The Nutritional Yeast Flakes contain Beta-glucans! I love those guys because they have amazing health properties, and are good for the immune system, and may help some people avoid illness like colds and flu! I once took a supplement that contained beta-glucan and I'm telling you, I would feel so fantastic when I took that supplement! These Beta-glucans not only give your immune system a nice boost, but they protect against cancer and lower cholesterol.
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Close-up of the flakes, which are soft and dissolve easily in warm liquids, including your mouth! |
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Another Close-Up. Sorry, I'm picture crazy! |
These Yeast Flakes have a flavor all of their own. Sari Foods hit the nail on the head pretty nicely when they described the flavor as "cheesy, salty, creamy, and nutty." That really sums up the bold flavors that your tongue detects with each taste of their Nutritional Yeast Flakes.
The pungent flavor is certainly reminiscent of an aged cheese, and somewhat like that of Parmesan only stronger, more sharp. The aftertaste is just as bold as the first taste, but it has something like an odd, yet super clean taste, if that makes any sense at all. It feels a lot like the taste I have right after I've given my mouth a thorough cleansing with peroxide! Nothing unpleasant, but oddly... clean, especially considering I just had a very strong cheese-y like taste in my mouth seconds before.
The nutty flavor is there, but not as powerful as the chees-y and saltiness of the Nutritional Yeast flakes. The nuttiness would best be compared to that of a mixture between cashew and almonds, to me anyways. In fact, it's also somewhat similar to raw hemp seeds.
As a cheese lover, these Nutritional Yeast flakes are absolutely delectable in any soup, chili or other dish that is well complimented by the added flavor of a sharp cheese. Spaghetti, even cheese dips like queso. They kind of melt in your mouth, and dissolve well in a warm dish.
You know the creaminess sour cream gives a soup or to chili? Imagine that times about 3, that's what adding a couple teaspoons of the Nutritional Yeast Flakes to a bowl of soup of chili will do. Plus, the addition of an even stronger cheese flavor is total heaven for me, especially in chili. I like adding a little shredded cheddar and a teaspoon or two of the Nutritional Yeast Flakes. Talk about bold flavor, then!
Taste Updates:
Tonight I sprinkled a small amount of Nutritional Yeast Flakes on a gordita, cheese-y taco I was eating and holy cheese-alternative! The little bit of yeast flakes I added to my gordita really enhanced the cheesy flavor already within it. I'm one of those folks who hasn't ever said "that's too much cheese." There is no such thing! I love that these flakes really do the trick for a cheesy craving.
I am an extreme, huge, fanatic for cheese, which is why I have never attempted to cut dairy out of my diet. I absolutely adore cheese.
And yet I could see the Nutritional Yeast Flakes actually being just enough to work as the perfect cheese alternative, if one were trying to quit dairy all together!
I've been trying the Nutritional Yeast Flakes on a new food every night since I got the awesome stuff and have yet to find a food that wasn't super with it sprinkled on top!
I even had a saltine cracker snack, with the yeast flakes sprinkled on top and they were delicious! I couldn't get enough of them!
I'm looking forward to trying the flakes on many, many more foods, so I will happily update on this if ya'll are interested. I'm almost tempted to even sprinkle some onto my PB&J sandwich!
Kidding. Kidding. I'm not *that* bad of a cheese lover.
These Yeast Flakes have a flavor all of their own. Sari Foods hit the nail on the head pretty nicely when they described the flavor as "cheesy, salty, creamy, and nutty." That really sums up the bold flavors that your tongue detects with each taste of their Nutritional Yeast Flakes.
The pungent flavor is certainly reminiscent of an aged cheese, and somewhat like that of Parmesan only stronger, more sharp. The aftertaste is just as bold as the first taste, but it has something like an odd, yet super clean taste, if that makes any sense at all. It feels a lot like the taste I have right after I've given my mouth a thorough cleansing with peroxide! Nothing unpleasant, but oddly... clean, especially considering I just had a very strong cheese-y like taste in my mouth seconds before.
The nutty flavor is there, but not as powerful as the chees-y and saltiness of the Nutritional Yeast flakes. The nuttiness would best be compared to that of a mixture between cashew and almonds, to me anyways. In fact, it's also somewhat similar to raw hemp seeds.
As a cheese lover, these Nutritional Yeast flakes are absolutely delectable in any soup, chili or other dish that is well complimented by the added flavor of a sharp cheese. Spaghetti, even cheese dips like queso. They kind of melt in your mouth, and dissolve well in a warm dish.
You know the creaminess sour cream gives a soup or to chili? Imagine that times about 3, that's what adding a couple teaspoons of the Nutritional Yeast Flakes to a bowl of soup of chili will do. Plus, the addition of an even stronger cheese flavor is total heaven for me, especially in chili. I like adding a little shredded cheddar and a teaspoon or two of the Nutritional Yeast Flakes. Talk about bold flavor, then!
Taste Updates:
Tonight I sprinkled a small amount of Nutritional Yeast Flakes on a gordita, cheese-y taco I was eating and holy cheese-alternative! The little bit of yeast flakes I added to my gordita really enhanced the cheesy flavor already within it. I'm one of those folks who hasn't ever said "that's too much cheese." There is no such thing! I love that these flakes really do the trick for a cheesy craving.
I am an extreme, huge, fanatic for cheese, which is why I have never attempted to cut dairy out of my diet. I absolutely adore cheese.
And yet I could see the Nutritional Yeast Flakes actually being just enough to work as the perfect cheese alternative, if one were trying to quit dairy all together!
I've been trying the Nutritional Yeast Flakes on a new food every night since I got the awesome stuff and have yet to find a food that wasn't super with it sprinkled on top!
I even had a saltine cracker snack, with the yeast flakes sprinkled on top and they were delicious! I couldn't get enough of them!
I'm looking forward to trying the flakes on many, many more foods, so I will happily update on this if ya'll are interested. I'm almost tempted to even sprinkle some onto my PB&J sandwich!
Kidding. Kidding. I'm not *that* bad of a cheese lover.
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Informative back-side of package. |
How to Use Sari Foods Nutritional Yeast Flakes:
The label on the re-sealable bag recommends 2 full tablespoons (16 grams) daily.
As I stated previously, the cheesy-like flavor of these flakes allows you to really get creative in the kitchen. Simply sprinkle them on any dish you like from raw smoothies to salads and popcorn or even create vegan nacho dips or macaroni and cheese. Sari Foods also mentions, on their website it goes great on tacos, baked potatoes, vegetables and salads. I didn't even think about using the flakes on those, but the tacos and baked potatoes are two I'll definitely have to try!
So far, I've been extremely fond of using the Yeast Flakes on chili, chicken chili (my mom makes some seriously bad-a** chicken chili, and I highly recommend the Yeast Flakes in chicken chili), soups, spaghetti and virtually any other dish that uses cheese, including parmasean cheese.
To me, the flavor of the yeast flakes does somewhat resemble Parmesan, yet I find spaghetti even better when I substitute the parm for these Yeast Flakes. It's more pungent, to me, so I like that. I will go into more detail about flavor in a previous section titled "taste."
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Close-up of text on back-side of package. |
Health Benefits:
"15-40% of Americans are deficient in B vitamins which can lead to deep and ongoing fatigue, brain fog, irritability, depression, and even insomnia (as they play a crucial role in melatonin production). The body depends on B6 to make the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which affect both mood and feelings of happiness. With improved Vitamin B intake, we can sleep well, balance our hormones. increase our energy levels, clarity & overall mental function. " - Sari Foods.
"Fight Aging and Free Radicals. With highly absorbable amounts of nucleotides (the building blocks of DNA & RNA), Sari Foods Nutritional Yeast promotes cellular repair and regeneration. Then, by combining the two antioxidants glutathione and selenium, our Nutritional Yeast Flakes create a special enzyme called glutathione peroxidase that is known to neutralize free radicals and protect us from their damage." - Sari Foods
"15-40% of Americans are deficient in B vitamins which can lead to deep and ongoing fatigue, brain fog, irritability, depression, and even insomnia (as they play a crucial role in melatonin production). The body depends on B6 to make the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which affect both mood and feelings of happiness. With improved Vitamin B intake, we can sleep well, balance our hormones. increase our energy levels, clarity & overall mental function. " - Sari Foods.
"Fight Aging and Free Radicals. With highly absorbable amounts of nucleotides (the building blocks of DNA & RNA), Sari Foods Nutritional Yeast promotes cellular repair and regeneration. Then, by combining the two antioxidants glutathione and selenium, our Nutritional Yeast Flakes create a special enzyme called glutathione peroxidase that is known to neutralize free radicals and protect us from their damage." - Sari Foods
I could definitely see myself using the Nutritional Yeast Flakes for the long term. I am still quite shocked at how much I like them. I can't say I have ever tasted a superfood that was this good. I can even enjoy a small bite straight, without mixing with food.
I could definitely see myself using the Nutritional Yeast Flakes for the long term. I am still quite shocked at how much I like them. I can't say I have ever tasted a superfood that was this good. I can even enjoy a small bite straight, without mixing with food.
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Me, proudly clutching the Nutritional Yeast Flakes |
I feel like most people will be able to tolerate this well, if not love it like I do, especially cheese lovers. I can't imagine any cheese lover not adoring the flavor the Nutritional Yeast Flakes offer. And if anyone did have an issue with their flavor, mixing into a favorite dish that's complimented well by cheese will absolutely make them tolerable. I'd even go so far as to say that most kids will handle them fine, too, especially when mixed into another dish.
With the health benefits found in this ancient Egyptian superfood, I can't think of anyone who I wouldn't recommend the Nutritional Yeast Flakes to. I am totally ecstatic at the nutrition properties, and the many great aspects I've laid out in the "product specs" section such as being vegan, non-GMO, non-MSG and more.
To sum this up briefly enough for it to still be considered a summary, I will say that these are an incredible and tasty way to add nutrition and I would love to have them in my life for the long term, if not forever!
*Special thanks to Sari Foods for not only introducing me to a new, amazing and tasty superfood, but for also allowing me an opportunity to experience them for myself!
Sari Foods can be found (and purchased from) on their Amazon page or their company website.
Disclaimer: I am not a specialist, expert, professional or doctor of any kind. Content on this blog is not intended to be taken as medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or advice of any sort. I'm simply sharing information about my own experiences and results from use of a product or activity in hopes of providing useful information to readers, not to be taken as a patient/medical adviser relationship. I am not responsible for what readers choose to do after viewing the content here. Furthermore, I do not hold an "exceptional" or other special relationship with any company mentioned on this site. I'm simply a consumer who worked with the company on a review that is in compliance with FTC's guidelines. That means, everything you read here is my own words, not anything of the company's. I was not provided with monetary compensation for my review. All information posted has been done so with complete honesty. No action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication ( I'm not responsible.) Readers who rely on the information in this blog to replace the advise of an appropriate health care provider assume all risks of such behavior.
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