
Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Experience Using Black Indian Shilajit

What  is Black Indian Shilajit?
An Ayurvedic medicine used to treat so many ailments that it blows my mind, aka a panacea. Shilajit is known for its ability to cure almost any disease. As the folks living in the Himalayan regions say, "there's hardly a disease that can't be cured by Shilajit."

It is said to be "the most important drug in Ayurvedic and folk-medicine systems," and has been touted as"the great destroyer of weakness.

Someone's been takin' their Shilajit! (Image source:

Black Indian Shilajit has been used for thousands of years in 

places like  

Tibet, India, Russia, China, Mongolia, and ancient Greece

Black Indian Shilajit is the leftover vegetable matter from 

plants and minerals found in the Himalayan mountains (and other high altitude mountains,) which explains how it earned the title "The Blood of the Mountains."

I read that the word "Shilajeet" (another spelling for it) can be 
translated to "rock-invincible, destroyer of weakness, or 

conqueror of mountains. 

 This is what Shilajit looks like:
 (Image source:

It forms in a black-ish or dark red resin-like substance that occurs naturally, and  takes millions of years for it to form. 
It's odd  that such a substance could have any health benefits, but it does make sense, considering the matter 

called Shilajit  absorbs minerals from 

the rocks that it's found in and actually contains a lot of healthy 

stuff like vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants, 

enzymes, electrolytes, 

and amino acids.

One site I found explained part of Shilajit's process like


"Shilajit is a naturally occurring exudate of plant and 

mineral based origins. In these mountains, organic and plant 

material dies, mixes with microorganisms or microbial 

metabolites in the soil, is saturated in water during the spring 

freeze, works its way deep into rocky crevasses, leaches 

minerals from the stone, gets compressed by layers of rock, 

brews and “ferments” in this compressed state for thousands 

of years, and when ready, due to the intense heat of the sun 

on the stones, bubbles up from down below. " (Source:

 I'm intrigued by the many benefits and how Shilajit comes 

about. It's pretty amazing and really reminds you of just 

how our earth was made so perfectly to be able to do these 


(Image source:

My experience taking Black Indian 

Shilajit (from The Root of The 


One of the most useful bits of information you can read regarding supplements (or just any product, really) is a personal experience with the actual product, so as always, I'm going to include the effects and things I've noticed while taking this amazing herb.

I Treated IBS-Candidiasis  With Black 

Indian Shilajit!

(Here are my results with that:)

(Image source: )

I'm so excited to tell you guys that I was able to get some much needed relief from stomach pain by taking this Black Indian Shilajit! Most of my long-term readers know the struggle I've had with IBS and endometriosis. Although I've been able to effectively come through the debilitating part of those conditions (the part where I spent years basically in a bed), I find that I'll still get the occasional IBS "flare-up, and also the occasionaly pain associated with the endometriosis.

 I believe the randomly re-curring flare ups are due to the IBS being candidiasis-related. And sometimes (perhaps when I've not been eating the healthiest or something), I'll end up with the pain and problems hitting me again. However, I'm always able to get myself back together and not let the problem worsen to the point of it being debilitating. Now that I know what herbs will kill off the candida albicans, I never suffer long. 

Looky there. We're always told there's no real cure or treatment, or way to get real relief from things. That is what I was told when my OB/GYN gave me surgery for Endometriosis, and prescribed me mind-numbing meds for the pain of it and IBS. Told me I'd just have to take them everyday! That was the biggest disappointment thinking I'd never actually feel better. Never did the meds provide any relief. I'm grateful to finally be able to live a real life again. And grateful I didn't listen to the lies/nonsense. (Image source:

Anyways, I won't go into my entire conditions and journey (you can find all of that elsewhere on this site), but I wanted to note that the Black Indian Shilajit is very effective in treating a lot of stomach problems, including the super-tough-to-relieve problems like those that come with IBS or Chron's and other tough digestive conditions. I know a lot of my readers suffer from the same or similar digestive/stomach problems, so that's why I'm going into this much detail here.

I normally cut a big chunk of my aloe plant off, prepare it and eat it as soon as I'm down with another IBS flare-up, and it's the only thing I've ever used that relieves the intense pain, and keeps me from suffering in bed (ahem, and back & forth from the bathroom!) for the entire day. But my aloe plant is in bad shape due to the weather, so last week when I came down with serious stomach pains that wouldn't go away, I took a capsule of Black Indian Shilajit and laid down.

I had dealt with that pain for hours before I thought of taking the Shilajit! It wasn't 2 hours later that I was completely recovered and feeling so good that I was ready to eat a big meal! If you know about IBS/Candida, then you know what a shocker it is to get that kind of relief! I didn't expect it. 

It's very rare for me to outright recommend something to others online, but I absolutely recommend Black Indian Shilajit for people who suffer from digestive disorders! When people ask me how to get relief from IBS/Candida, I always recommend aloe vera (straight from the plant is best), and now I'll add Black Indian Shilajit. Both of them together are extremely powerful against IBS, especially if it's brought on by candidiasis. It's great for both conditions, even if your IBS is not candidiasis-related, although I tend to have the opinion that most all IBS is somehow related to candidiasis.

I went years without a single ounce of relief from the on-going pain with those conditions, and I kid you not, I was ready to die. You've read my journey before though (probably), so I'll just say this: nothing touched my problems except aloe vera and the shilajit.

I know that garlic and coconut oil and several other things have awesome abilities to kill off the candida and treat the entire problem, but I also tried those methods. I had relief eventually, but the improvements were so slow. It could be that my problems had persisted for so many years that they just didn't have the power to bring such quick relief like aloe vera and Shilajit does. Everyone's different, but that was the best for me.

That aside, I've noticed other improvements in my health, too. 

My Immune System Rocks!

 2 family members who live with me came down with a terrible cold-type illness. It resulted in weeks of intense coughing including vomiting, etc. I'd been taking the Shilajit for about 2 1/2 weeks before the cold came around us and I didn't experience a touch of it, even though I was all around my family's personal space throughout them being sick.

I can't help but think the Shilajit had to have been responsible for my immune system being so great! Even this week, I'm the only person in our small neighborhood who isn't sick from the large spreading of chicken shi* all over the pastures. We have one directly across the road from us (so close we could walk to the pasture within seconds!), and pastures almost line our entire road. Everyone is sick, my neighbor had his throat close up (he's asthmatic) from it. We go through this yearly and every spring, our neighborhood ends up sick. I normally experience an awful migraine for a week+ along with vomiting, sometimes when they spread. Last year, I was throwing my guts up & had a migraine for a week!

The only thing I've had this week after they began spreading was a migraine (yesterday) and an urge to wear a mask over my nose. That's all! No sickness! The rest of the neighborhood is having throat, sinus + problems. I chalk it up to me taking the Shilajit for over a month now. I think it's actually building my immune system so well that I've got some serious protection against this crud!

The other benefits I've been receiving from the Shilajit aren't as hugely noticeable physically as the stomach/digestive problems have been. However, I believe my deficiencies in so many nutrients, minerals and some vitamins have improved so much that I feel like my entire health is finally on the right track. I suppose the large amounts of minerals and such in the herb is what brought me to this point. 

I've noticed minor changes such as healthier nails as well as feeling less fatigued. I sleep better and deeper.

Image source:

What To Look For In A Shilajit

Shilajiit, in its raw form is said to contain toxins and heavy metals due to being in the rocks of mountains, so it's important to look for a supplement that's been refined in order to avoid those things.  

The refining process of Shilajiit. From what I've read, it's highly important that Shilajit is processed to remove harmful impurities, including heavy metals. Black Indian Shilajit from The Root of The Matter is processed using heat distillation, which removes these impurities, and makes it safe to use. It's extremely important to make 100% sure that your Black Indian Shilajit has gone through processing that removes such impurities (according to my research.)

  • It's been said that the most effective Shilajit comes from the Himalayan mountains. The Black Indian Shilajit from The Root of The Matter is "obtained from rocks in the Himalayan region."

Studies on Shilajit

NCBI even acknowledges some of Shilajit's benefits, although not all of course:
In an article on NCBI, it concludes that "Shilajit is a potent and very safe dietary supplement, potentially able to prevent several diseases, but its main medical application now appears to come from its actions in benefit of cognition and potentially as a dietary supplement to prevent Alzheimer's disease. "

What Shilajit Does for Our Bodies:

Black Indian Shilajit is nature's

original organic Colloidal multi-mineral supplement

  • Provides an impressive amount of 
minerals and vitamins because it's high 
in naturally occurring minerals and 

  • Boosts immune system.
  • Is an adaptogenic, meaning it helps the body to better handle stress.

  • Revitalizes the body's cells and muscles.
  • Works as a powerful tonic for the body.  

  • Increases energy (reduces general weakness), increases strength and sexual energy. 

  • It is widely used for the following:
Genito-urinary diseases
Enlarged spleen
Digestive troubles
 Nerve diseases
 Asthma -- Shilajit is an anti-asthmatic
Fracture of bones
 Helps reduce recovery time in bone injuries (and injuries of the muscles and nerves as well.)  
  • Improves heart function

  • Improves memory

  • Removes toxins from the body. 
The Root of The Matter explains how Shilajit does this: 
"Chemistry: The porous fulvic acid and humic acids in Shilajit 
carry herbal compounds deeply into the tissues of the body. 
These porous carrying cavities also hook toxins and escort 
them out of the body."
Black Indian Shilajit helps transport nutrients deep into 
tissues, and removes toxins found deep within.
Impressive, huh?

Here's more icing on the cake -- Shilajit helps the body assimilate other herbs, too! This means, when taking Black Indian Shilajit, other herbs you've taken are better absorbed and utilized by the body.

Check out this incredible, huge list of 

problems that 

Shilajit is effective in treating, some of

 them I'd never even heard of before.

 (I found this 

list on


    Anorexia Nervosa
    Blood Impurities


    Burning Sensation in the Chest


    Diabetes Mellitus


Excessive Thirst


General Debility



Kidney Stone

Nervous Debility



Persistent Infection due to Low Immunity



    Sexual Debility

    Sexual Neurasthenia

    Sexual Weakness in the Elderly



The actual capsules. As you can see, they Shilajit is black with white-ish specks.


Disclaimer (I know, I hate them, too, but these days you kind of can't afford to note post them.):

I am not a specialist or any other kind of doctor or expert. Content on this blog is not intended to be taken as medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or advice of any sort. I'm simply sharing information about my own experiences and results from use of a product or activity in hopes of providing useful information/suggestions to readers, not to be taken as a patient/medical adviser relationship. I am not responsible for what readers choose to do after viewing the content here. Furthermore, I do not hold an "exceptional" or other special relationship with the company mentioned. I'm simply a consumer who worked with the company on a review that is in compliance with FTTC's guidelines. That means, everything you read here is my own words, not anything of the company's. I was not provided with monetary compensation for my review. All information posted has been done so with complete honesty. No action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication ( I'm not responsible.) Readers who rely on the information in this blog to replace the advise of an appropriate health care provider assume all risks of such behavior.

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