JumpStart Sample Packets |
Jump Start is an energy + mood supplement from Kyle 4 Organics or "Organics Manufacturer.com.
As their name suggests, Kyle 4 Organics is an organic supplement online store, and also the manufacturer of JumpStart.
I have had the fantastic opportunity to try different supplements from the JumpStart line: JumpStart Extreme, and JumpStart Wow.
JumpStart Wow (orange) and JumpStart Extreme |
I wanted to try them in sample sizes before committing to a full bottle because for one, I wasn't sure if they would actually provide me with the type of mood and energy stimulation I was looking for, and secondly, I really wasn't sure if the Extreme version or regular would be best. I've used them both now and will explain everything, including the results and differences.
What drew me to Organics Manufacturer when looking into an energy/mood stimulant was that while I needed to test out different ones to find the right one for me, I knew that safe, natural ingredients were a must. The ingredients in the JumpStart supplements are actually quite impressive (I will get to that in a moment) and I find that they work very well for my needs.
JumpStart Extreme -- Red Capsules. |
The difference between JumpStart and JumpStart Extreme and JumpStart Wow!:
Basically, as you probably guessed, both supplements are about the same thing with the same ingredients, but one is designed to be more well, extreme. For when you need an even bigger energy boost. The Extreme version of JumpStart just contains a higher amount of the active ingredients.
JumpStart Wow is designed to give you the same effect (energy, mood), but is designed to help decrease appetite and burn fat.
Aside from that, the label say to expect:
- Super energy levels
- Elevated mood and confidence
- Decreased appetite
Suggested Dosage:
Each capsule contains 820mg,
JumpStart Extreme: The label recommends taking 2 capsules with plenty of water and a snack 20 minutes afterwards.
JumpStart (Regular): Also 2 capsules with water and a snack, for the average person. This is the recommended starting dose. The label says you can increase after you've gotten used to them.
JumpStart Wow: 2 Capsules with water and a snack.
Note: Organics Manufacturer recommends fruit as a snack because it "enhances the effects and prevents possible stomach irritation."
I've never had any fruit on hand while taking JumpStart or I would have tried it.
As for me, I started with one capsule whether I was taking the JumpStart regular or JumpStart Extreme. I didn't want to over-do it and end up with the shakes or stomach discomfort, which can happen.
There have been days when I've taken 2-3 capsules throughout the day (3 max), but never all at once as one capsule does just fine for me, and anymore would likely give me stomach discomfort.
Since JumpStart comes in capsule form, they are easy to swallow, and I usually notice the effects within 10-20 minutes tops. I've never taken one of these JumpStart capsules and not gotten any results, so they're pretty mighty little suckers, and they will certainly put more pep in your step or make you more alert and energetic if you're tired.
What the Label Says to Expect:
- Increased energy boost (in balance)
- Enhanced focus
- Enhanced stamina and performance
- Heightened sense of well-being
- Increased ATP production
- Increased carbohydrate conversion into energy
- Increased oxygen utilization
My Experience and Results:
JumpStart shares number 1 on my absolute favorite energy supplements -- and there are only 3 favorites.
I happened to like JumpStart equally as much as my all-time, top favorite energy supplement ever. Never thought I'd say that!
Among those three favorites of mine, all of them are natural, herbal-based supplements and work better than anything I have ever tried & if you guys have been following my posts for long, you know I have used a lot of energy products.
I worried that JumpStart would give me similar effects as Stackers or Yellow Jackets -- which I've never loved. Those make me feel awful!
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Me on speed (image source: wwwandyco-andy.blogspot.com ) |
The stimulation/energy I get from taking JumpStart is very different from that of a Stacker or Yellow Jacket.
One way to explain it is, I don't feel like I've done
some kind of speed.
I feel balanced, somewhat more pleasant, calmer headed and like doing more.
The effects usually aren't intense, but incredibly noticeable. I can go from being dead exhausted to actually feeling like doing some activity for a few hours before I start feeling the exhaustion come through again.
Image source: FamousQuotesAbout.com |
I don't know if this makes sense, but I describe the energy from JumpStart as a nice, "clean," energy that stimulates and kind of wakes up my mind.
For me, it's my mind-exhaustion that can get me down the most. It effects a lot of my work and just happiness in general, so I got on this kick to try and change things around (and have taken so many different supplements for it) and that's where I came across Jump Start Energy.
I'd tried energy drinks, foods and supplements that made me feel jittery and talkative, but they never did exactly what I needed -- a brain wake up! That is why I'm so fond of JumpStart Energy's effects on me.
I notice that my head is clear (and I've not experienced that often in my life!) and I actually can handle work or activity that requires challenging thought processes.
Me at work, with little energy or calm-mind
Image source: 123rf.com |
Me after JumpStart:
Image source: www.blotter-paper.com |
And instead of feeling that burst of talkative, jittery energy that I get from caffeine, I feel calm, but energized which I really like because when I was using caffeine-type energy products, I would get short-winded and feel dizzy and lightheaded, or just icky when I'd get to doing strenous activity, but JumpStart doesn't do that to me.
I'll get more work done and be more energized and feel like doing it, and that's what I like -- feeling like doing things. I always do my best when I feel it. Does that make sense to anyone but me?
As for the increased endurance and stamina -- yes. I notice that as I'm able to do more work (say housework, minimal exercise, or other similar activity) and feel like completing it without getting all tired out before I'm done. I'd say I'm more productive with JumpStart.
On the other hand, it doesn't give me the stamina and endurance as, say, Maca powder to the point where I can get in a tough, extreme workout on my fitness pole for much longer than I usually get in on a typical day.
Now to the ingredients and what they do, so we have a better understanding of how JumpStart Energy works:
- DL-Phenylalanine: A 1985 study found that DLPA improved the mood and mood stability of subjects with attention deficit disorder, and claimed that phenylalanine can increase mental alertness (Grevet et al. 2002.)
- L-Tyrosine: Tyrosine has been tested on humans for increasing their endurance to anxiety and stress under fatigue. It was proven in research studies that tyrosine supplementation results in increased performance over a control group (Avraham et al. 2001).
- Rhodiola Rosea: I've taken this supplement in its pure form, too with great results.
Rhodiola Rosea, like Maca, is an adaptogen, which you know if you read my recent Maca post, helps your body deal with stress.
However, Rhodiola works differently in the body when combined with other herbs like Siberian Ginseng (also in the JumpStart Supplements.) Together, it's possible that the two provide a "therapeutic alternative to established adaptogens.
- Siberian Ginseng: Also an adaptogenic. Enhances sexual and athletic performance and is an immune system-booster.
In fact, in every energy supplement I take on a frequent-regular basis, I always make sure it contains Siberian Ginseng (and sometimes Korean and other species, too.) That's because I love the energy it provides.
- Schizandra: A stimulating herb used to treat chronic fatigue.
- Guarana : A stimulant and appetite suppresant that contains a lot of caffeine. Helps maintain stamina and physical endurance.
- JumpStart also contains Magnesium, Vitamin B3, B6, B12, C
If you visit the link above, you can read even more detailed information about each of the ingredients in the JumpStart supplements.
ATP Production and What it Does For Us
Another reason I was very drawn to JumpStart Energy is because it increases ATP (Adenosine Trisphosphate) production, which upon researching to learn more about how to change my energy levels mentally and physically, as well as learning how to overcome melancholy, I read that ATP production is required for everything we do including thinking, walking, talking, etc. and that it is the only source of energy that our body can use.
ATP, as far as my understanding goes, is basically our primary source of power and energy. ATP is also used to increase muscle strength and endurance.
Here is a piece on NCBI talking about a study done on the effects of a supplement designed to increase ATP Levels on muscle strength, power, output, endurance.
It basically states that there wasn't enough information to conclude that an increase in ATP levels effected things such as strength and endurance. However, I've heard so many people who use ATP increasing supplements religiously and successfully for those exact uses (muscle strength, endurance, etc).
Take Iron Man magazine, for example. They stated that any supplement containing ATP should (theoretically) result in "increased energy during high-intensity exercise like body-building training."
They also mention a study done where 5 mg per kilogram of body weight of an oral ATP supplement, and that it led to an increase in ATP production. They later mention the study done on humans, which did not suggest the same, for humans.
However, like I said, talking to people who have used ATP will tell you that they do notice a difference in some area or another. For instance, energy levels. I experience that from taking a supplement (JumpStart) that contains ATP.
Side Effect
Now, the only "side effect" I experience when I take Jumpstart (besides the feel good energy) has been a slight stomach discomfort.
The only thing I don't like is that there have been a few times when I did experience slight stomach discomfort, although it is always temporary (lasting only a few minutes, never longer).
Keep in mind that this only happened when I take JumpStart upon first waking up. Just like coffee upsets my stomach if I drink it upon waking (not sure why it effects me that way.) But any time later after first waking up, neither JumpStart nor coffee give me any trouble.
My stomach tends to be very sensitive though, so I'm pretty happy that I can take JumpStart without it causing me real stomach issues.
Also important to note is that I didn't eat any fruit, but did counteract the slight discomfort with a bland snack like a cookie.
The "discomfort" I experience is best described as slight stomach gurgling, if that makes sense. It just seems that my stomach is a little more active and I feel it, but it isn't anything painful or bothersome enough that I can't go on about my day by no means. It's also not so bothersome that it prevents me from continuing to take JumpStart, and happily. In this case, the benefits far outweigh the possible, occasional discomfort, for me.
Does JumpStart Cause Crashing?
Besides being natural, safe and very effective, I also love that there is not any crash for me after I take JumpStart! Even if it's worn off and I'm dead tired, I don't feel any crashing effects at all.
Image source: www.whicheb5.com |
Organics Manufacturer products, like the JumpStart supplements are NON-GMO, gluten and soy free, and use no artificial ingredients or preservatives.
If you haven't ever heard of, or ordered from Kyle 4 Organics or Organics Manufacturer, I recommend starting with their "Company" page to learn more about them, their mission, their natural supplements and how they operate.
So, which energy supplements are your favorites? Do you guys use JumpStart, too? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section!
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