
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Get your own life & let me have mine back!

Apparently, I've got a girl who's decided to copy almost word for word and post for post of my blog! It's not bad enough that the person decided to recently ask me how to take up a career exactly like mine. No, no that wasn't enough. She didn't just want to take up designing she also decided to take up blogging, reviewing, and instead of focusing on her calling in life and finding what she's meant to do with it, she's just as happy to take mine. I was totally blown away when she asked me how I do my job, how she can get the same job (which you guys no is not easy & it's my own freakin' business for crying out loud!) I'm not employed by some popular nail salon, I do my VERY own designs, I sale them from my online shop and home. Why on earth would someone totally leave their life & take up yours? I'm not talking about the girl just saw my designs, blog, etc. and decides she may be interested in doing them ALL as a hobby. She's taking this seriously and after the years of NO PAY & hard, hard work she wants to just up and have my life. If something is not your calling then you won't succeed in it and why would any smart woman waste her time trying to have someone else's life? Is that not a real insult to herself?

  It gets worse! She made a blog similar to mine the other day & she insists on "reviewing to get free nail polish & stuff." First, if you're looking to get serious with something such as this you NEVER review for a company only to "get free stuff." It sounds nice, but I promise you those cute little freebies are NOT worth it. It's something you have to be devoted to. If you don't give a damn about the company & the products then it's pointless. If you're looking to get involved with specific companies and work for them, reviewing is only part of the job. I mean, if you're heart is not in the company you're going to spend a good chunk of your time promoting then why, why, why? I mean is getting a free make-up worth going all the way, passing out that company's business cards, hosting parties to spread the word, answering questions daily from random customers?

  Honestly, I'm totally pissed, hurt and I feel worthless. How could some plain girl just decide she's going to have MY life in one week? I've worked my ass off for the things I do & at the end of the day sometimes, I realize I've not showered, eaten or stopped to breathe. A lot of times I don't even know what DAY it is. I'm not shitting you. My whole life goes into everything I do from my acrylic designs to the companies I'm involved in, my writing and school work. And for some girl to just say "oh, that sounds fun! I'll be her from now on." Just was a slap in the face and then to have the nerve to go and freaking copy my exact blog posts! I'm just furious and I'm trying not to be, but seriously! This girl just totally STOLE something I worked very hard to present. If you're a writer, you probably take this type of thing just as serious as I do.

  Do you guys remember when I done the Strange Cooter series posts? Well, it's nothing, screw it. It was stolen and posted on HER blog now so it means NOTHING. The time I took to research and all means NOT A DAMN THING. I usually don't get personal on here or let myself get out of control, but damn.

  Do you guys remember when I first started in the nail design business, taught myself everything, spent countless hours inhaling polish to the point of passing out & THEN posting the photos on here & THEN putting it all up on my online shop? It means nothing too. Disregard them. Forget all about them please. They've been stolen although the designs are not the same as mine (not nearly!) but several she TRIED to copy 100%. I guess all that practice this week on my new designs can just be thrown away because soon enough she'll find them and daggum copy those too. I was the only person I'd ever known who EVER made acrylics like this anywhere near my area. The salon my designs are in CANNOT even do those designs and now they don't mean shit. None of my work does. What would you do? Honestly. I'm at a complete loss, but guys this girl is taking absolutely everything I do & doing it. I swear if I paint the hamster's toe nails tonight & post a photo, she'll have the same thing on hers tomorrow only her's will be asking for something for free.

  I could just quit. I could give up my designs and let her TRY to get them to turn out exactly like mine. I could leave this blog & leave you my precious readers so she can have y'all too (I'd never leave yall though!) I could fucking start crack cocaine tomorrow, hell she'll do that the next day. Ha Ha. My point is, I can stop everything, but I won't because these things I kill myself over; my writing, my job, my very small design business & try to find a new me, but there won't be one. There IS ONLY ONE ME. Why can't it actually BE me? I just can't help but think what an F'n waste of a person, huh? I am mostly pissed that every blog post she has made is one where she's tried getting it totally identical to mine. :( It makes me feel like everything I DO is not appreciated by others or they would not steal it. Ok, her writing is just like mine.That's because God did not make her to write like me or design like me or blog like me or spend years getting experience to be part of a certain company. God made one Kendra Danae Richards and damnit it's me!

  I've never in my life met someone who HAD to have my life, my skills, my God-given gifts and talents. But, why does she get it so easy? She can just copy everything I write, post, make, and do & bam she's done. She didn't have to think for herself or teach herself this shit. She didn't have to spend time on it. How f'n easy! Now, if she wants to have all the cute and pretty little parts of my life I want her to take THE BAD TOO. Take the disease, take being raped, take everything I took to make me what I am today. Take it all or don't take none!

  If you want my exact, identical life then YOU go through every thing I did to get here and if you just so happen to make it out alive or without crying then please, I hand it all over to you. You have fuckin' earned it then. Please do forgive the nasty-ness. I didn't get where I am today by stealing what someone else had. I done it all on my own with a little help from ONE person. I didn't get the luxury of taking someone else's. I wouldn't be happy with myself if I did.

  By the way, my blog is copy righted. Did she freakin' miss the big sign on the side that says DO NOT COPY, THIS BLOG HAS BEEN COPYRIGHTED? Guess so, but then again what did she care? She only came to my blog to steal what I had. I'm tired of being used.

  To the other writers or anyone who's put tons of effort in whatever their gift is, you know when you've worked so hard on a piece & when you're finally done, when you've finally learned what your calling was & you know what you've done was with great skill, you know it was straight from the heart/mind/soul that only YOU will ever have. Now, imagine someone stealing in one second, the things you've worked hardest on, the skills only you posess and then it's ripped away and published as theirs. How would you feel and what would you do?



Furree Katt said...

i can almost relate to what you are going through. remember when i used to post about an actor on my blog? i used to write about how much i admired him, and give everyone the shooting updates for his new movie. my blog became really popular among everyone who wanted to know about the new movie, so much that i had more information about the actor than any other entertainment website online.
then, along comes some random girl and copies each and every thing and pastes it on her facebook page! she got recognized by the actor and they made her page the official page for the movie, and it was all my hard work! that is why i gave up blogging on that actor. i spent months and months trying to get recognized for my efforts and it all came down to nothing. i am very bitter whenever i think about it. that girl has shot to fame, every one thinks she's done a great job but it was all MY writing, MY pictures, MY research, MY effort. she can't even string words together to make a sentence on her own. all the time and hard work i spent polishing my writing skills and all my hope for becoming an entertainment journalist went down the drain, all because of her.

you should report that lowlife girl's blog. what she has done is so unfair and totally wrong. if you give me the link i will report her and ask my friends to report her too!
you're right, if she wants all the good parts then she has to deal with all the bad parts as well.

i gave up, but i found solace and comfort when people took interest about my own life (which is why i still have my blog and i changed it to about myself only) but you should not give up at all, you need to fight for what you've done, all your blog followers are with you!

♥ ♥ ♥ best of luck.

good sense in daily life said...

Sorry to hear about your dilema Kendra! Keep up your hard work - karma is a beautiful thing & although you feel cheated right now, this girl has to live with her dishonest self...Maybe you could ask her if she can be decent enough to reveal her sources & give the people who work hard for the information a plug if she is going to use your material? & if that doesn't work, after you post on your blog & see her future post using your material - plug her blog by saying something like "this is the blog that liked my work so much, she decided to copy it"! Good luck anyway!

James Canady said...

Ms. Kendra, as 'nasty' as you think that you were, and as much as i agree and understand, i couldn't help but smile most of the way through this.

I think about it like this: You are so good at what you do (Which includes many-a-things) that someone was so impressed that they felt the need to be everything that you are. Within this says that you are one of the best, if not the best, person that this other girl has met within her lifetime. I don't doubt that claim about you at all, and i think that with all of the ways that you have described it, and within all of the work that you've done to get to where you are, you can give yourself the recognition of believing that statement too.

This girl seems to look at you as a role model, and well, honestly, it really sounds like she needs one like you. If i were you i would talk to her. She needs to know that it's okay to aspire and if she really wants to follow in your footsteps, then she needs to start at the basics just like you did. Stealing your work is wrong; incredibly wrong. I don't think anyone would disagree with that. But i think that you have a golden opportunity to help this girl blossom, and find her own calling. I know that it's not your responsibility, and if you don't want to take that on then that is entirely okay, but sometimes in life it's only right to try to help the people that you find are lost. And she really sounds lost if she is living through someone else's existence. In this case, your work, your life, and who you are.

Explain to her how much it all means to you, and how much work that you put into it. I think if you're tact enough about it, she won't be hurt. I mean, honestly, she needs to know copyright infringement laws for her own good, you know? What if she does this to someone else, and they take lawful action against her? Once again, it's not your responsibility to teach her that, but it would be nice as it could save her from some serious heartache in the future :-)

You just have a mentality and respect level above hers at the moment. Maybe it's not that she lacks it, she just hasn't been brought to terms with it yet. Unfortunately, some people have yet to learn boundaries. In her case, it may be entirely innocent, or it may not be. The only way to know is to talk with her. You're not being unfair in any sense. If her attitude is innocent, then you're only helping her grow as a person. If the stealing is intentional and corrupt, then you're only standing up for yourself. And it sounds like you have a lot to stand up for.

As annoying as it is, the whole opening up a business just like yours is only fair in the business industry (As morally unfair as it may really be in reality). She deserves that credit. But, she doesn't deserve to just have everything handed to her because she thinks that it's fair to claim your work and your style as her own. Like i said, she needs to start from scratch, and it needs to be everything that is her instead of you.

But i apologize little lady! I'm cutting this super short because i'm in the middle of a move. I'll be back shortly to finish :] Be honest with me and let me know what you're thinking!