
Saturday, June 11, 2011


You guys remember my recent post about the blogger theif? The girl who's decided to take up EVERYTHING I do and base her entire blog around EXACTLY what mine is? Well, she did ask me how I done it first & then claimed she never stole any of it from my blog. I was publicly cussed out and called some really nasty names. I mean I've NEVER known of a girl to be so vulgar. Well, I'm just here to say now she's taken up the sex toy thing with the EXACT same companies who I review for! Thankfully, they've already caught on. Anyways, to you lovelies on my friend's list I want to suggest to put some sort of copy right notice on your blog because she's quickly making her way through my reader's list to copy their blog's too. : ( I am so sorry guys. But, you can put a stop to it if she does get you too.

 Please though, be careful and if you post photos that are yours you may want to use a free online copy right thingy before posting just to be safe! Yes, it's this serious. I wish it wasn't and at first when confronted she deleted her blog then cussed me out on facebook which was funny, but still not nice. Then she asked me to please be friends with her again after she deleted me. You see, I went to school with the girl at one point. But as nice as I am I said sure, add me back to your friends. I believe in second chances, whatever. No problem. BIG PROBLEM! She only did that so she could post her blog's URL that she re-created to my wall.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to stop it. She's doing EVERYTHING I do. Even the toys now. Do any of you know how to make it to where she cannot view my blog? Will blocking her do the trick? She's visiting my blog each day (stalking) and taking up anything I do and treating it as if it were her own work. I've prayed my heart out about it & I'm keeping calm. I'm trying to anyways. I know the devil does things to try and stop you when you're making big accomplishments and I have been lately, but I've got so much going on & am going through a major stress. I'm on the verge of a nervous freakin' breakdown! I don't know how much longer I can contain it. I just cannot stand this theiving girl! I never get angry. This is the one thing that really angers me. I'm usually pretty good with keeping cool & all. I might get my feelings hurt easily, but I do not get angry. It's just something about this type of thing that's always set me off badly!

I will do whatever it takes to stop her from ever viewing my blog. If she's going to blog she can come up with her own crap. I mean the stupid person isn't even smart enough to get her OWN companies to work with. SHE'S ONLY lying and stealing and cheating and faking. I mean, at least find your own. Copy everything I do, but please be smart enough to not try and take my dang job. If she was actually good at would she really have to take the one's I'm already with? I know this may be hard to understand fully, but it's an ongoing issue and I'm at the end of my rope and need some serious, serious advice! Anything! What do you do when someone pisses you off this badly? How on earth do you make someone stay away? I don't want to be stalked!

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