
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Coward spammers screwing up our blogs!

Hello my little sparklies. This is just a short message to warn you about a spammer here on blogger. I would absolutely love to reveal their name, but unfortunately, as many of us have seen in our manage comments section, the coward chicken shit signs their comments "annymous." We all know if you have to sign "anonymous" then you're either a chicken shit, or scared as hell to reveal your stupid self. Now I'll stop bitching and give you the warning...

 For those of you like me who don't use the spam thingy where you have to type a word in, you've probably already recieved these comments. "They say want to make a difference using your own unique and creative talents, please check out Tiffany Kira Johnson!..." & they're like a damn book long.

 Whoever the idiot is that's leaving this SPAM please know that we do not care and the fact that you're sending these comments over & over is only going to hurt the business of whoever the hell tiffany johnson is, not promote it. We know what spam is and when you leave spam, the people are most definitely going to avoid the links & BS that you're trying to get out there. And by the way, HELL NO WE DON'T WANT TO BUY YOUR STUPID F'N MUSIC!

 I don't use the spam captcha thingy, because half the time, I can't see good enough to read them on other's sites & I don't have time to get out my contacts at 3am just to type a word. I totally love the use of them, I just can't read them. Now the ones blogger uses, I can usually read. I just hate that we're forced to do this crap because of self centered people. I guess I might have to give in & add those captcha things to my blog too. I never have because I thought it'd be easier for people who comment. No big deal it only takes a second to type them, but damn we should be able to leave a comment or have comments left on our page without having to worry with BS spammers. I hate em'!

Well, there is one thing I do not hate. Can you guess what it is? It's you lovelies! I love love love yall!

Just be on the look out for the coward sending those comments.

I'll have a new post (one that's not fire-y & bitchy lol) up soon!

1 comment:

Kindros said...

I'm pretty sure it's just because of the content of your blog. Being a reviewer of beauty supplies, I'm sure that's a huge target for spammers. I just turn on comment moderation so I can publish or delete based on content. Hope it gets cleared up soon for you.