
Monday, February 28, 2011

PeArL of the day~ hot & steamy with lemongrass

 Hello gorgeous!

   I have a hot & steamy PeArL of the day for you...

   Again, I will let this picture speak first.

Of course, I couldn't resist the pearls. I just had to add them in there. It just seemed to add more beauty to it.

This isn't just a bar of soap here. It's the Lemongrass bar "GAIANA" from
I don't ever, under any circumstances use bar soap. I don't believe it's cleansing and I find it all to smell awful. I am very particular about anything I use to shower, rub on myself, or use on my skin.

I assume the all organic ingredients are what make this thick, amazingly lathering bar of soap such a nice staple for anyone's shower basket.

It leaves absolutely no residue behind. It cleans & refreshens. I like to use it in the shower & bath. It lathers better than most liquid soaps and makes the perfect steamy, relaxing bath or shower.


1. Leaves behind no residue/filmy-ness.

2. It actually cleans you, unlike most bar soap.

3. Lathers better than any soap I've used!

4. The lemongrass smells refreshing & clean.

5. Perfect for a relaxing, calming, bath or shower.

6. I love when the powder room gets all steamy from the bath & when I rub with the Lemongrass bar, it fills the room with the best steamy, clean lemongrass scent.

7. I believe Lemongrass is the best for getting a clean.

There are no CONS for this one!

Overall I was highly impressed with this little plain looking bar that packs such a powerful punch.

Check it out for yourself! You can find really unique products at the website. The soaps are just gorgeous! They have so many to choose from. Take a minute to look around:
Do let me know what you think of the products as well.

You can find my honesty pledge at the top of the page.

1 comment:

Six_33 said...

I'll have to try the lemongrass soap. I like anything lemony.