My PeArL of the day: Nut So Ruff Face bar
I’m really serious about finding the correct products when it comes to taking care of my skin. One reason being that mine is very complicated and high maintenance. I’ve tried absolutely every drugstore brand; Oxy, Clean n’ Clear, Neutrogena, Elizabeth Arden, Biore, and more!
Exfoliating your skin is one of the most important things if you want to maintain nice, clean and healthy skin. Some are fortunate enough to have beautiful skin without doing anything, not me.
I’ve been using Nut So Ruff’s facial exfoliating bar from & I can say I was pretty shocked at the results! I’ve bragged about only a handful of exfoliating products, 3 to be exact! I love that this one is made to really care for your face. I’ve had body scrubs and one that I previously reviewed said it was for face & body so I used it on my face and thought it smoothed it out nicely, until the 2nd use when I started breaking out all over! So scrubs such as body and facial scrubs don’t quite do it, but neither do the store brand exfoliators, they’ve always only left my face even worse to begin with with even more dry skin!
The Nut So Ruff bar is really unique, doesn’t break out my skin and it actually leaves it clean and the dead skin is gone, not worse. I love so much that it works all over and left my hands just as beautiful as my face! No make-up for me!
Also, many exfoliators make shaving a hassle by causing irritation, clogged razor, etc. This one scrubs away dead skin before shaving leaving you with a closer shave & I was told it would lessen ingrown hairs, turns out it’s true!
As y’all know, I’ve been doing hair removal treatments which cause so many ingrown hairs when they start coming back in. I actually have to sit & pluck & pull the ingrown hairs before treatments. I couldn’t be happier that the Nut So Ruff kept them away! It’s been a huge relief for me & it’s saved me a lot of time from plucking & pulling at the ingrown hairs.
- I use the exfoliating bar the night before I tan, usually I’m very itchy & peely the next day. The Nut So Ruff bar took away all that, including the itchy skin.
- You can choose a bar of soap that is made for your specific skin type whether it is dry, combination, oily.
- After using the Nut So Ruff bar only the first time, my face was clean (I’m a skeptic about most facial cleansers actually cleaning.) I was sure this one did. It was smooth, the dead skin & dryness gone, pores were tee-tiny! Mine are usually large. And I had just a subtle shine-glow.
- Didn’t leave that terribly tight feeling.
- Even hours later the dryness was relieved and gone. I didn’t even have to apply lotion at all and the only thing I had was a tiny speck of peeling on my nose from tanning.
- What I find absolutely amazing is that the few scars on my cheek from acne (I have 4 on my right side that refuse to go away. Just those 4 on one side, for some reason that’s the only spot with scars.) have faded just a little bit. I couldn’t be happier! The crazy thing is, I was planning to purchase a scar fading cream just this week when I noticed they seemed to be less noticeable. I’m thinking with time this product may actually fade them enough to where they’re no longer noticeable. If you have any scars on your face, even from just one bad zit, you know how it can affect your self-esteem & you also know how it feels to wonder if they’ll ever go away.
I can say this is one of the best facial cleanser/exfoliators I’ve ever used. The facial cleanser/exfoliator I was using prior to this was Elizabeth Arden’s Green Tea cleanser/exfoliator and I wrote a review on it if you remember it wasn’t great at all. I can’t even consider it decent, but it’s the closest thing I could find to decent until now. Nut So Ruff is now at the very top of my list!
I’m so grateful that I tried this product. For the first time in over 3 years, I didn’t hide my face under my hair. I don’t have to shy away hiding my face when people get close.
*I really do hope you check the Nut So Ruff products out. You can view them all at:
If you do or already have used their products I’d love to hear what you thought too!*
You can find my honesty pledge at the top of the page.
So much love,
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