
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Combination-post. Update, & my tip of the day HINT: nipples & tanning!

Hay there my gorgeous sparklies! Just thought I'd let ya in on what's going on  lately because it may be a minute before I get the next post up. I hurt my back. :( very bad today. No clue what I done, but it's killing me. It hurts to move, to breathe, etc. I'm not sure if it was from walking in the un-level yard with heels or what. I had a little pain there earlier but it was nothing. Not even enough to be irritating at all. I've cleaned like crazy this week while we're STILL remodelling. I went to the tanning bed, then to eat & a few other stops on the way home & when I made it to my front door I couldn't go any further!

I just had to stop. Couldn't even open the door! It was just really sudden and excruciating!

 By the time I made it inside I couldn't even get the heels off without groaning like a granny! lol And these heels are not tall at all. I don't wear them when I'm going to be doing a lot of standing or walking. I'm always careful with them. Now it's been several hours, well it started around 9:45 and it's now 5:30 AM & still killing me. I'm only 2o years old so it's not old age!

Speaking of age, I'll be... (gulp) 21 the 26th of this month & I've never dreaded a birthday like I am this one. I only wanted to stay 20. 21 is not special, it's scary as hell! Hopefully it'll be a great one though & I won't even worry about getting old.

 Anyways, I thought I'd show you pics of some of the orders that came in this month! (Look above at the very top.) These are the designs I made & sold! Whoo-hoo! I sure could use my helpers though & are they anywhere to be found when the orders start coming in? No! lol. I'm thinking of finding new people to help out.

*You can't really see the 2nd one very good. I only posted one instead of a full set because the rest weren't made at the time, but it's a really pretty pink & blue. They're so bright I hate that my camera doesn't show very good. I can't figure out how to get it set to show up good. 

                       MY TIP FOR TODAY:
Tanning... Ya'll who are so kind enough to keep up with my crazy blog know by now about my tanning. Well once before I posted a weird-o little tip that I came up with while tanning. Ya know how you get all peel-y and things kind of crack and peel and dry up? lol Ok, I'm talking about nipples. Don't act like I'm the only one who's had this happen either. lol

  Well, I hated how the tanning would cause that & I don't really care to have a nipple tan, so I kinda wanted to use something that protected some parts & kept them from peeling at the same time. So while I was laying there digging through my purse I figure since chap stick works for your lips, it must for nipples too. I decided to use chap stick! Lol. It worked too!

 I've been using it ever since. Before I tan and after. Lotion just doesn't seem to help that part but I can thank Burt's Bee's and Soft Lips for their chap stick which I turned into nipple stick! haha lol.

Anyways tell me what ya think about these designs! I didn't have time to upload all the pics of the ones we had ordered this week, let me know if you want to see. I just finished one set tonight & it's one of my fav's! I love the black & blue too.

Good-night (well good morning to most of you.) for now. I had to take a short break while typing to run for a shower while my back wasn't hurting as bad. I couldn't just skip showering after sweating in the tanning bed. Now that you know about my sweat I should probably go before I reveal too much more! lol

  So there's the tip. Hope you liked it!

 Sorry for the combination-post. I hope you come back to see more crazy tips & stuff.


Furree Katt said...

i hope you feel better soon! ♥
those nails are so cool.
p.s. there's something on my blog you might like. hint: it has orbs.

Melissa said...

thanks for the nip trick haha
I have that same problem!

And i really like the nail design!