
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nathan Deal, you can hang it in your ass! -no rights for women if Deal's GA Gov.-

So, this may not be interesting to those of you who don't live in Georgia, or even some of you who do, but if you wasn't already aware, Nathan Deal is running for Georgia Governor. I, as well as most women, would love nothing more than to stop him! Here's why I would love to tell Nathan Deal to hang it in his ass:

-Deal Voted NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Jan 2007)

- Deal Voted NO on allowing human embryonic stem cell research. (May 2005)

-Deal Voted YES on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions. (Apr 2005)

- Deal Voted YES on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime. (Feb 2004)

-Deal Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother’s life. (Oct 2003)  Shit!
-Deal Voted YES on funding for health providers who don't provide abortion info. (Sep 2002)

-Deal Voted YES on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad. (May 2001)  More shit!

-Deal Voted YES on federal crime to harm fetus while committing other crimes. (Apr 2001) Is it just me or does this asshole have a serious problem with women and their rights?!

-Deal Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortions. (Apr 2000)

- DealVoted YES on barring transporting minors to get an abortion. (Jun 1999)

-Deal Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record. (Dec 2003)

-Deal Rated 100% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-life stance. (Dec 2006)

- Deal wants to Prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortion. (Jan 2008)

- Deal wants to Grant the pre-born equal protection under 14th Amendment. (Jan 2007)
This is ridiculous and there's many more twisted things which persuades me that he IS TOTALLY WRONG FOR THE JOB! ....
Here are more things he's voted on. Most of these things would NOT benefit any person but himself:
-Deal Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Jan 2009)

-Deal  Voted NO on monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief. (Jan 2009)

-Deal Voted NO on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)

-Deal Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)

-Deal Voted NO on defining "energy emergency" on federal gas prices. (Jun 2008)

-Deal Voted NO on regulating the subprime mortgage industry. (Nov 2007)

-Deal Voted YES on restricting bankruptcy rules. (Jan 2004)

-Deal Allow $3 on 1040 form to pay off National Debt. (Sep 2000)

*Do you think Deal sounds like he would fit the job of Georgia's Gov?*


Rezden said...

Why is he even thinking of running for office? That record of his is horrible. I really hope he loses.

Jane said...

As I live in the UK, this doesn't affect me, but from what you've written he does sound an asshole. Why men feel they have a right to legislate with regards to what a woman does with her body, astounds me.
I really hope the people of Gorgia see sense and send him packing.